Connect04247.pngPlacing devices

Devices are groups of sockets with a label and graphics to depict the device and its function.

Place a generic, simple device with the Device tool. After placement, customize the device with sockets and real-world data, and then save it as a symbol definition.

Alternatively, place devices with the Device Builder tool. Devices can be placed with basic information and customized later, or the device builder can access actual manufacturer data for the make and model, and create the proper number and type of sockets for you. The device builder creates a standard device according to the manufacturer data, or a custom symbol definition that is saved in the user folder, for use in other files.

Convert a custom shape into a basic device with the Modify > Create Objects from Shapes command. Customize the device later by adding sockets and other data.

Create bulk devices from a worksheet with the Create Devices from Worksheet command.

Transfer device properties from one device to another with the eyedropper modes of the Device tool.

As devices are placed and customized (see Editing devices and sockets), you can build a library of custom devices that you like to use. With an established library of custom device symbol definitions, you can then use the Device tool to place a saved device resource, complete with custom graphics and default sockets. Devices can be copied and pasted to create a series of similar devices.

If you are using a ConnectCAD template, place devices on the Schematic design layer. If creating devices that are associated with existing symbols on another design layer (such as a floorplan), set both layers to visible.

Devices rely on the snap grid for their placement and spacing; ensure that Snap to Grid is enabled. If the devices are not spaced as expected, increase the snap grid distance. See Snapowanie do siatki for more information.

Devices can be associated with equipment items with the same name; these are usually placed on a layout layer.  If a device has an associated equipment item defined, the device's make, model, physical data, and location data come from the equipment item. 

Using the device database or creating custom device symbols

The method of creating a device determines whether it's a standard device created from the device database of makes/models that is located in your user folder, or a custom device.

Devices created with the Device tool are meant to be customized after placement and each one is saved as a symbol definition in the file. Editing the symbol definition later does not update the database.

Devices created with the Device Builder tool as a temporary device are saved as symbol definitions in the file. The data in the symbol definition is derived from the device database, but the symbol definition is not connected to the device database.

Closing the Device Builder tool by clicking OK rather than creating a temporary device updates the device database file in the user folder with the selected device, as well as the symbol definition in the file. This means that this device is accessible everywhere the database is used (Device Builder tool, specialized device tools, Create Devices from Worksheets command, etc.). The selected Category in the New Make/Model dialog box determines where the device can be selected.

To delete a custom device, select it from the Make/Model list in the device builder, and then click Delete (trash can). This prevents temporary or unused devices from cluttering up the Make/Model list.

Placing a basic device or device symbol

Transferring device properties

Building a device

Placing specialized devices

Adding sockets, loops, and terminators

Creating devices from a worksheet

Editing devices and sockets

Connecting sockets

Getting started with ConnectCAD
